Friday, October 11, 2013

Sweet As Candy

Every day I am reminded that my James is just as sweet as can be (even though he sure does like to scream!).  After a doctor's appointment this week James got a dum-dum lollipop and actually enjoyed it!  I was surprised he let it in his mouth in the first place, but after a sweet taste he was all for it!  Mark and James traded licks and James actually had a great pucker!

After the appointment we ventured into Whole Foods and found a more natural type of lollipop, hoping it might be a big step to overcoming the hurdle of his aversion toward solid foods.  So tonight we were able to have family desert time.  Mark splurged on a small container of ice cream (which James can't have, sorry, dairy!) and we armed ourselves with a lollipop.  We were able to capture his initial reaction:

After this he really warmed up to the 'pop, even trying to grab it out of Mark's hand, and sucked on it for awhile.  It was nice to see him exploring a new food and enjoying it, even if sugar was the catalyst.

His mouth muscles are working hard!
He also said "NO!" for the first time today, he imitated me as I read to him.  I couldn't get him to say it again.  Maybe that is a good thing?  ;D

With love.

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