Monday, August 19, 2013

Today James Sat

Completely by himself, unsupported.  He has made so much progress but he just couldn't go that last step.  It felt like he could take months before compiling enough courage to sit without a safety net.

We were doing some supported sitting today when he decided to flop forward onto his stomach.  I just plopped him back up to see what he would do.  I've seen him lean forward off his support and sit well, but only for a second or two.  This time he stayed up and sat there looking at me like it was no big deal.

I can't wait to do more sitting tomorrow!  What a big day!

He looks so great!

With love.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Getting Somewhere

We finally feel like we are getting somewhere in terms of sitting!  We were able to ditch the infant car seat (FINALLY!) and get James in a normal, upright, but still rear-facing toddler seat.  We have been able to do much more playing in a supported sitting position (check that goal off our IEP!) and James can sit in the shopping cart at the grocery store which is super exciting!!!  He is so close to sitting on his own he just needs to work on balance and confidence.

We propped James up with just a little support and let him watch a movie so he would be distracted enough to sit well.  I was spying through the banister, excited to see him sitting so well, but he caught me.  :D

James in the shopping cart!

With love.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Snapshots of A Birthday

James' first celebration without any looming medical issues!

I tried for weeks to find a dessert that James would eat.  On a last-ditch attempt I found he liked this avocado-based chocolate icing that is dairy and processed sugar-free!

With our first "normal" summer we were able to have a little party!

We are so excited to be blessed with the gift of health this year and pray that we continue physical therapy with vigor to help our James grow strong!

With love.