Friday, July 25, 2014

It Happened One Night

Rita and James had a great time last night.  This cracked me up so much I had to share.  Sorry we don't have snapchat, Mom!

With love.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Chef James

SO much is going on, but here is a small snapshot of one part of James' life.

We have made very little progress with actual consumption of food, but we have been doing lots of food activities.  This covers a span of several months with the earliest videos first.

Mark made a garbanzo pancake cake for my birthday as I had strict sugar and grain restrictions to cure Rita's yeast infection.  We though James might like it, especially the coconut cream "icing."  Not so much.  At least he didn't throw it!

It is tradition in my family that the youngest child gets the pancake batter at our weekend pancake breakfasts.  We tried it with James and he liked it.  I think it was the spatula.  :D

James likes to visit Daddy at work.  He enjoys demanding a smell of our wine.  It is surprising that he wants to try it!  When we don't offer food or drink to him and just enjoy ourselves he shows greater interest.  Our life is not as picture perfect as the following picture looks.  We were waiting for daddy to finish work so we could go to a late Saturday Spanish Mass so that Daddy could get up to work a 12 hour shift at 5 the next morning. :D

In the hopes of associating fun with food we bought a watermelon to use as a ball.  Everything was going great until my brilliant idea backfired.  James was traumatized when we cut it.  But, we tried!  And it was good therapy.  Check out his muscles in the dishwasher picture!

We are visiting lots of farms and farmers markets to expose James to food (and so that we have awesome food to eat!).  A couple weeks ago we went to a farmers market and James enjoyed bagging the veggies and carrying around his basket of produce.  I wish I got a picture!

Now that James has his own stander (more on that to come) we can do new activities!  I hoped to get him interested in food by dubbing him my sous-chef, but the standing situation was difficult.  But yesterday James made ice cream!  And then ate it!  It wasn't extremely cold when we were done which may be why it didn't bother him.  The following picture progression cracks me up from his obvious displeasure that a spoon is being put in his face to his surprise on discovering that it actually tastes good!

With love.