Sunday, December 28, 2014

Merry Christmas!

We finally got our tree up and decorated on Christmas Eve.  It is turning into a tradition that we all decorate together the night before Christmas.  We were pretty behind this year with lots going on with the kids, especially James, so we got our nativity scene, stockings, and rest of our decorations out that night as well.  We had a great time listening to Bing Crosby sing Christmas songs (that's what my family always had on while we decorated our tree) and spend time together.  James enjoyed the tree, but wasn't super into decorating.  The kids had to go to bed before were we all done.  They were pooped!

His "James" ornament.

The kids woke up really early Christmas morning so we went to early Mass (which was awesome because it was nowhere close to full) and took a drive.  They both LOVE riding in the car and it gave Rita the chance to take a good nap.  They looked so cute in their Christmas outfits:

He is good about kissing her after he hits her.  :P

Discussing the essence of ball.

Handsome boy on his 4th Christmas.

James didn't enjoy opening presents.  He was really content playing with his books and wasn't happy when we tried to refocus his attention.  He still doesn't understand the concept of presents.  I keep hoping each year will be different, but I guess that's me trying to impose the excitement on my children.  :p  Rita, on the other hand, loved it!  

James got into a present he made for us while we were making breakfast.

He did like pulling things out of his stocking.

They received sensory balls.  We saved those for last; we knew there would be no focusing after that.

Their big present was a ball pit.  It was awesomely easy: a clearance inflatable pool with all the balls they have plus one bag of ball pit balls.  We may fill it more eventually, but they love it as is and a sparse ball population makes it easier for them to move around.  They both loved it!  We all had a blast sitting in the pool throwing balls at each other.  :D  I love having things like this we can all do together.

Merry Christmas to all!

With love.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Next Steps

James is doing a lot of work and having a lot of fun. Not only does he have three outpatient therapies and three inpatient therapies, but he is on his way to independent feeding. Yesterday, we went to the feeding clinic at UVA for pre-program evals. James had fun during OT and PT, but he didn't do well when the ST was more demanding of him. It was nice to have someone else take control and push James to help himself, not backing down with his fits. I am pretty nervous because it will be an intensive program, but it is what we need. The whole process is going to be much quicker than I expected so I hope he will be feeding himself and chewing by the spring. 

James likes waving at the cars that drove by below the waiting room. 

It really is a beautiful place. 

With love. 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Frozen at the North Pole

Yesterday we took James and Rita to see Santa with my family.  The line to wait was super fun because it was Frozen-themed.  Once we waited twenty minutes we walked into the Frozen snow globe, a dome with the songs from the movie and snow falling from the ceiling.  The kids were enamored by the falling rice-mixture.  I'm sure people thought we had terrible dandruff for the rest of the night, but it was really neat.

He doesn't like having his picture taken anymore.
Then, James enjoyed making faces with Grandmom and throwing snow at Aunt Becky.


Great bunch, huh?

With love.