Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to you all!  We hope you had a wonderful, blessed day.  We are looking forward to belting out Christmas songs for the next couple weeks.  :D

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with my family, a relaxing Christmas day at home and wonderful phone conversation with Mark's parents on Christmas night.  We received many wonderful presents but the best present was that James reaches his goal.  On Christmas Day he ate 100% OF HIS CALORIES BY MOUTH!!!  Praise God and thank you to St. Rita and all you wonderful prayer warriors out there!!!  He followed up with another 100% day today.  Now we just have to work on that drinking...

We took things really slow Christmas morning with a leisurely brunch (James ate at the table with us for the first time!) and then decorated the tree and put baby Jesus in the manger.  We spread presents out during the day which was fun.  It was the first time James got the concept of opening presents.  He enjoyed pulling the paper off and then seeing what was inside which he found extremely exciting.  He got to play with each toy for awhile before we sat down to open the next.  That made for a very happy baby.

Here are a few pics of our Christmas and a little video of James' stellar eating and exciting presents.

Merry Christmas!!!

James got a cell phone like Mommy and Daddy.

Putting his ornament on the tree!

Eating mashed potatoes for Christmas dinner.

Still in love with this present.

With love.


  1. Merry Christmas. I just sent a dear mom your way (to your blog). Her name is Sarah from Clay Rosary Girl. You can read more about her story here -

    Prayers for a joyfilled Christmas Season and New Year, filled with many more advancements for James.

    ad Jesum per Mariam,

  2. Lena, thank you for sending that link! I really enjoyed her story and am looking forward to following her journey as well.

    Merry Christmas!

