Monday, May 21, 2012

Lots of Excitement!

As we look forward to James' Early Intervention review tomorrow (we will go over milestones, goals, etc) I have taken a look through some recent pictures and find myself continuously reminiscing about how far James has come.

His hands are much stronger and he is getting good at holding objects!  The other day I even saw him switch the ball he was holding to his other hand.  That is a pretty big deal!

He seems to enjoy eating "The Swan Princess."
His suck is getting stronger.  He doesn't get much out, but he really enjoys the bottle.  He can get his mouth around the nipple and pull on it a few times which is big progress! Look at those mouth muscles!

I never thought I would see this (ok, yes I did, but the waiting was rough)!  James is getting really good at holding his head up.  He even rolls on his stomach and reaches for toys!  Wow!

We have been extremely excited about the end of cold and flu season which means trips outside the house and, finally, a baptism ceremony!  Yay! (Awesome baptismal gown courtesy of Aunt/Godmother Trena)

Our little cutie is getting into everything and, I am sure, will be moving around getting into lots more trouble very soon!

With love.

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