Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Hawaiian Christmas

It has been a crazy few months, hence the silence here.  Here is a snapshot of Christmas and hopefully I will have another post soon.  James received a farm puzzle to help with isolating his fingers, a tunnel to motivate his crawling (I have never seen him crawl so fast and enthusiastically.  I am so happy he loves it!), a music kit for singing time, and a swing to help with his vestibular motion (he has a major love/hate relationship with swings, but it is good for him!).

He is actually really happy here!

We talked about having a Hawaiian Christmas a few months ago when we saw the racks of Hawaiian shirts at Salvation Army.  When Mark found out he had to work on Christmas we decided it was the perfect way to "get in the spirit" when he got home.  We changed into out tropical clothes to decorate the tree, open presents, and have our Christmas feast.  I think our family picture gives away that Pilegaard baby #2 is on the way.

With love.


  1. Hooray!!!!! I'm SO excited for you guys! I admit, Clarkey spilled the beans to me about Bean #2 being on the way, and since then you've been in my prayers even more :) And I love the Hawaiian shirts idea - so cute! Mele Kalikimaka!

  2. Love the Hawaiian shirts!! And love James' faces!

  3. I so enjoy your blog of James.
    Love you!
    Aunt Bobbie
