James had his first spaghetti! We've held out before on the chance that he has a tomato allergy, but he did well with the new food. He didn't have actual spaghetti noodles but spaghetti squash which cuts down on the worry that it will disagree with his little stomach (he's had squash before and it is a whole, unprocessed food unlike spaghetti). As you can see in the video James got a blend of our dinner which consisted of spaghetti squash and Mark's famous spaghetti meat sauce. He liked it until he decided he was done (possible sensory overload from the new tastes) and decided to spit it out at which point we had to stop the video and discipline him. Kids with Downs are very smart and know when they are doing something they shouldn't and James definitely knows that spitting is not the way to tell us that he is done eating. We had to give him a little slack because the sensory experience may just have been too much for him. We'll have to try again when make spaghetti this week.

This new food was extremely exciting to us as parents as we are taking small steps closer to normal eating. James has been working on chewing small, soft vegetable chunks and now is expanding his oral sensory experience with new foods. This is a big deal for him as he doesn't deal well with oral change, not uncommon for kids that have oral delays.
Here is a video of James' first spaghetti. I apologize for the boring parental conversation, it is a pretty standard James-related conversation as we work together to help James develop his skills.
With love.
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