Getting his first sweater may not seem like a big deal, but it sure is for James! Until surgery to close the g-tube site James' drawer was filled with onesies, long sleeve shirts that button around the diaper, and overalls. We had a few regular shirts for messy or casual times and to give us hope that one day James would wear "normal" clothing. But, we had to be careful with our clothing selection so that James could not get his little hand around the tube and do damage or bump into something that might hurt the site. And the clothes had to have buttons so that we could run the tubing between the buttons to provide accessibility and protection. As James got too big for the onesies we had to search high and low for overalls that had snaps. Luckily we found a few pairs, two jean and one tan corduroy for special occasions.
So, as the bandaging came off the site and the scab started to get less scabby I started thinking about the endless clothing possibilities in our future. Not only will it be much easier to shop for James, but it will be much easier to dress him, too (all those buttons take forever)! We took a little trip to Children's Place Outlet for their $2 winter clearance sale and got him his first sweater, a long sleeve rugby polo, and his first pair of jeans. It was so exciting, he really looked like a little boy!
Below is what happens when I put James' cute sweater on and let Mark finish feeding him breakfast while I get ready for Mass. Note the mohawk hasn't gone away that evening for Aunt Melanie's birthday celebration. And that I do think my husband is funny. :D
With love.
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