This story is beautiful. The dedication of parenting, the amazing impact that any child can have on a family. And the beautiful understanding that every life is valuable, everyone deserves love. Children with special needs are a gift, we should flock to their unconditional love, we should aid parents devotedly caring for their children. I hope that, as our family continues to grow, as James continues to improve, our hearts can be open to helping those living with the medical struggles we experienced.
I know that, before my experience with James, I was scared to lend a helping hand when it came to anyone with needs that I didn't understand. I wanted to love them, I just didn't know how. I wanted to help parents or siblings but I thought my help would be inadequate. It turns out there is no secret to helping and loving different people in different ways. Love is the same. Help is the same. Everyone needs help. And everyone needs to learn how to offer and accept help. It is a hard task. It can feel like an insult to pride in accepting that you can't handle everything on your own or, especially, when offering a helping hand in a situation entirely new to you, one in which you are uncomfortably unfamiliar. These situations push us to grow, they push us to draw closer to the love of God that leads us to greater love of our neighbor. I pray that God keeps my heart open with compassion and love for these families and their children.
An awful loss, a beautiful life, a daunting task
With love.
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