Friday, December 21, 2012


After a year and a half with a feeding tube, I would like to officially announce that JAMES CAN EAT!!!!!!!!  :D  We had a breakthrough last night after a really rough day of him refusing to eat.  It was day #7 of trying to wean, his tube was still doing poorly and we picked up a solution that is supposed to help with the soreness.  At the end of another day of no eating on his part and force feeding on mine (I hate doing that, but he has to get calories somehow) I thought we might just have to go back on the tube and fight through the pain.  But, we kept trying.

When dinner time rolled around I knew he wasn't going to want to eat.  I force-fed the feed before and he wasn't about to be happy with me.  So, tried to make him happy.  I got him in his car seat and grabbed his favorite book, "The Foot Book" by Dr. Seuss.  We finished, I offered him a spoonful, he ate it and swallowed!  A fluke, I thought.  Then came bite and swallow number two.  Hmm...what if I read him another book and give him a bite in between pages?  It worked!  I guess he loves reading so much that he forgot to fight us tooth and nail like he has for the past week.  I am so glad I stuck with my gut.  I had a feeling he knew how to eat and was just holding out on us.  Maybe it was just a battle of wills?  I mean he is almost two.  :D

Today has been a terrific eating day.  With four feeds under our belt he has taken 350 calories orally.  That is more than he has taken in the past four days combined!  With two more feeds we should reach our goal of 75% daily caloric intake orally.  Prayer to St. Rita #1 answered.  The second part is for him to take 100% of his daily caloric intake orally by Christmas and drink 25% of his necessary fluid intake.  I think we can do it!  We'll have to work on drinking a little more, but I know he has that in him too.

Here is proof!  He was a little distracted by the camera, but it gives you a general idea.  :D

Thank you all for your prayers and please keep them coming.  This is a MAJOR victory, but there is still a long road ahead involving work for drinking, different tastes and textures, chewing, transitioning to a more "normal" eating routine, etc.

Will keep you updated!

James' first Christmas cookie!

He really liked it!

With love.


  1. Praying for complete success! You two are fantastic parents!!

  2. Deo gratias. May you continue to be patient and loving as you persevere with the many trials that are before you You are a beautiful witness for Jesus.

  3. Thank you both so much for your prayers and support! :D
