Thursday, April 17, 2014

What James Is Up To

James is eating lots of great foods, still blended, but we are making progress on textures and solids, as well as self-feeding.  James has prunes, banana, nut butter, prune juice, coconut oil, and beet kvas for breakfast (left) and meat, olive oil, and veggies for lunch (right - I think that is chicken, asparagus, and sweet potato.).  For dinner he usually has what we are eating.

He is getting comfortable with more foods and textures, but it usually has to be on his terms.  We give him a bowl with some pureed food or nut butter at each meal along with a solid food (cheerios, carrot, etc.) to get him used to the idea of self-feeding and solids, emotionally and sensorially.  Here I had finished my coconut ice cream.  I tried to offer some to him while I was eating, but he wouldn't take it.  After I was done he took the bowl and "ate" the small bit of melted coconut ice cream he could get on the spoon.  He really enjoyed it.  At occupational therapy he is working on eating cheerio crumbs off a spoon and is getting used to it.  He likes to taste things, sticking his finger in a food so just a small taste gets in his mouth.  But he really only tastes things when we don't offer it to him.

We are getting into crafts for James.  He mostly does painting, coloring, and playdough, although not very successfully.  He did ok with this finger painting session, but a lot of time the paints and marker end up on him and the playdough ends up on the floor.

Daddy built James a table and he really likes it.  It has been good for him to have his own space to be comfortable with crafts and we hope that we can get him to sit and play with toys at the table.

James absolutely loves to read.  I think it is his idea of heaven.  :D  He is, however, very opinionated about his books.  We usually have to go through ten books with him shaking his head at us until he finally signs "please" to one of the selection.  He also loves sitting on the floor looking through the books himself.  We put some of his books on the bottom shelf of our coffee table which is great motivation for him to kneel and get his books which he does well.  I snapped a picture but it didn't turn out well.

 James is making hilarious faces and gestures!  He is doing so much more with his hands now that we are really focusing on sign language, trying to teach him a sign each day, and songs with hand motions.  He loves singing and dancing and songs with motions are his favorite.  He asks to "da", which means sing or dance or music, all day long.  This picture cracked me up, his face and gesture are great!

James loves to give hugs.  Whenever Mark and I are both there he leans in for a group hug.  He also likes to sit in his high chair and wave his hands at us until we give him a hug.  He doesn't mind just hugging Daddy's head.

James has been waiting for his baby sister to arrive.  He loves saying "baby."

With love.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Story Time with James

James loves reading books and it is rubbing off on him, he is becoming a master story-teller himself.  He usually has a good story for us each night at dinner.  Here is the end of one of his stories.

I think this is James' idea of Heaven:

With love.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Stair Master

Here is a little montage of James' stair accomplishments.  Last night Mark and I went upstairs to do some cleaning to prep for Rita and a minute later James popped into the room.  It is so nice that he has the freedom to get around!

He still throws fits every once in awhile.  I took this picture a couple Sundays ago.  We were back from church and making breakfast.  James had climbed all the stairs except two when he decided to boycott the last ones.  He sat there peaking into the kitchen for ten minutes until he finally decided to join us.

These clips are a few weeks old, but give you an idea of how hard he is working.  He is really a pro now!

With love.